If you know someone that wants to get into making handmade dovetails, this is a list of tools that would allow them to cut great dovetails without spending a fortune. Notice I didn’t say this was a beginner kit. The tools in this kit are good enough that they could be used for years without complaints.
- Zona Saw 35-560 Deluxe Fine Razor Saw, 24 TPI $12 – Smooth cuts, super sharp.
- Stanley FatMax 1/2″ Chisel $12 – Good comfortable chisel with a solid steel core that will make it last.
- Marking knife: Stanley 10-049 Pocket Knife <$5 – Fantastic marking knife. Not fancy, just perfect.
- Marking gauge <$1 – shop made marking gauge. Simple yet works perfectly.
- Bevel Gauge <$5 – used for marking the angles of the tails. Upgrade this to a Veritas 1:6 Saddle Marker to improve speed and precision.
Workholding is an issue with dovetailing. A very effective method of face vise clamping is to use a pair of hand screw clamps and a pair of F-clamps
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