Using less expensive wood to build a project is usually thought of as fine as long as the project is not meant to be attractive. Many woodworkers love to use Poplar because it is relatively inexpensive and machines well with hand or power tools. The problem is when it comes to finishing, it is prone to blotching and its green tinted heartwood makes people avoid using it. Thanks to Charles Neil Precolor conditioner (aka Blotch Control), that is no longer a problem.
For the purchase of a $13 can of his Blotch Control, you can save much more than $13 by using poplar for your projects, even the ones you want to look good. This stuff goes on first, and makes it so you can use a stain or dye to get a nice even color on poplar (or any other woods).
Here is the video of Charles Neil demonstrating all the different aspects and the results
- product review from LumberJocks (with great photo comparisons)
- Blotch Control online store
Even if you are not using something fancier than poplar, this is still a frugal investment because it will keep blotching of the wood from ruining the project for you.
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